Thursday, July 30, 2020

$cream-Capone & t-fLyy - Loyalty Over Love (Audio)

Catch the wave of $cream-Capone & t-fLyy lead single from the upcoming sequel collaboration EP "Pays Off 2 Work Hard". 

"Loyalty Over Love" is now streaming on all music platforms and below is the audio on YouTube. 

Lookout for the collaboration EP coming soon!

fLyy - "2020" (EP) Now Streaming!

fLyy (@fLyytyme2020) anticipated solo project "2020" is streaming on all platforms as of 01.01.2020. We have put together a YouTube playlist below of all 7 tracks including the music videos from the project. 



$cream-Capone - Success or Death [EP]

$cream-Capone (@SDashCapone) latest solo project "Success Or Death" is now streaming on all streaming services. Released 01.01.2020 you can now click the YouTube playlist below to get a peak!!


Swisha Sweet King - "Upgraded" [Music Video]


"Upgraded" Music Video now streaming on YouTube

Dat Bag EP now streaming!

Swisha Sweet King (@swishasweetking) - "All On My Own" [Music Video]


"All On My Own" Music Video now streaming on YouTube

Dat Bag EP now streaming on all platforms!